Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blogs vs. Bible

Through some very unfortunate circumstances I will be Macbook Pro-less for more than a week. And while at first glance it seemed like a dismal outlook when I look at how much home work, sermon preparation and graphic design I actually need to get done within the next week, it's actually a blessing in disguise.

I have been without my computer for about 2 days now and I am slowly realizing how dependent I was on it. And to take it a step further I think that I was actually addicted to it or at least the internet on it. Because I no longer have a laptop handy I see myself going to my iPhone a lot more to check on random blogs, craigslist and to even read the Bible online. I think I'm addicted.

I have put some boundaries on my time spent online since this realization. This non-self imposed fast from my computer has made realize that I oftentimes depend more on my computer than I do on the Lord. That is utterly wrong and shameful.

My computer provides me with research tools, programs with which to design and make money as well as an outlet to be creative through blogging and videos. But now I realize that it became my default when I would feel any sort of anxiety or stress. Instead of meditating on His word and praying to Him I would read my anxieties away on good but not crucial reading material (i.e. blogs vs. the Bible)

This is kind of embarrassing to write about but I have a feeling that this might be true of so many of us. But if we are just humble enough to admit it and see Christ as worthy enough to do something about it then I think writing this is worth it all.

In the past I've scoffed at the idea of a technology fast or a t.v. fast. But if one aspect of fasting is to expose, as Piper puts it, our "sediment of self-reliance" than I think it would do us all good to do just that with technology.